The finish line is in sight and all of a sudden your ankle hurts, your feet hurt, you can barely you give up. Is this because you physically could not push yourself to the end? Probably not. Your mind will quit on you faster than your body will. Chances are you are having a fear of success.
This may not make much sense, but in many ways we are scared to push ourselves to the brink of our abilities out of fear that we will come up short and our flaws will be exposed. We don't like change and if we succeed things will change, standards will increase, and expectations will be higher. Sometimes we may even feel that we are not worthy of victory because of experiences from our past.
In many ways we subconsciously sabotage ourselves out of pure fear of what may happen if we succeed. I've stayed up too late partying in college the night before a big test because I was not confident that I could pass. So, when I inevitably failed my test I was able to give myself a way out by trying to convince myself that with the appropriate sleep I would have passed.
Don't look for a way out and don't sell yourself short. You wouldn't enter the race if you didn't want to win.
We should be less afraid of pushing ourselves hard enough to see what we're made of than being too scared to even find out.
Inner Strength + Outer Strength

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Overcome your Fears
Fear of failure consumes us, it immobilizes us, and ultimately holds us to a fraction of what our true potential is. We do not develop a fear of failure over night so don't expect to overcome it over night. It's all of the small decisions that we make daily, even as insignificant as they may seem, that eventually retrain our thought process.
First step is to identify the root cause analysis. It's not fun, it may even be painful, but there is a reason you are scared to fail, you just need to figure out where this fear is coming from. Find it, confront it, forgive it, forget it.
Once you identify the cause, you can create the solution. Failure is nothing more than an idea or a way of thinking. Successful people view failure as a learning experience, feedback, and an opportunity for self improvement. Unsuccessful people view failure as personal and permanent. Everybody fails, the only difference is successful people are better at it.
What do you do? You do something, anything, but you do it now. You take a bold move and try something that is completely out of your comfort zone and you expect to succeed. If it doesn't work, then try something else, but don't give up. Most people quit right as they are on the brink of victory because they expect to fail, so they are scared to win.
-Expect to Win
-Stop Blaming Others For Your Shortcomings
-Let Go of Anything Holding You Back
-The Only Thing Stopping You From Being You is You
First step is to identify the root cause analysis. It's not fun, it may even be painful, but there is a reason you are scared to fail, you just need to figure out where this fear is coming from. Find it, confront it, forgive it, forget it.
Once you identify the cause, you can create the solution. Failure is nothing more than an idea or a way of thinking. Successful people view failure as a learning experience, feedback, and an opportunity for self improvement. Unsuccessful people view failure as personal and permanent. Everybody fails, the only difference is successful people are better at it.
What do you do? You do something, anything, but you do it now. You take a bold move and try something that is completely out of your comfort zone and you expect to succeed. If it doesn't work, then try something else, but don't give up. Most people quit right as they are on the brink of victory because they expect to fail, so they are scared to win.
-Expect to Win
-Stop Blaming Others For Your Shortcomings
-Let Go of Anything Holding You Back
-The Only Thing Stopping You From Being You is You
Sunday, September 19, 2010
I wish I could but I can't
Want it for you, that is.
I can help you, coach you, push you, and motivate you, but I can't WANT it for you. It is for you to decide how hard you are willing to work, and how bad you want to reach your goals. This is why we stress the importance of ship burning goals, and why we tell you to do the vision boards, tell your friends, publicize your plans, etc. We want you to realize that you have come to us because you want to make a change in your life. Well now there is no going back, so put it out there for everybody to see and MAKE THAT CHANGE.
The only thing stopping you from being who you want to be is YOU. It's not your kids, your job, your social events, or your hectic lifestyle, it's you. When you finally decide that enough is enough and you are ready to change your life no matter what it takes, then I can promise you that we will get you there. If you only put one foot in the water to see if it's comfortable before you jump in then I'm sorry, but you probably won't make it. If you constantly give yourself an out or a reason to quit, then you've never even given yourself a chance because you're already expecting to fail.
If you can look in the mirror and tell yourself that you will hit every single goal that you've set and you don't give a damn who or what gets in your way, then email me and tell me you're ready to book your photo shoot, because you're going to make it.
I can help you, coach you, push you, and motivate you, but I can't WANT it for you.
I can help you, coach you, push you, and motivate you, but I can't WANT it for you. It is for you to decide how hard you are willing to work, and how bad you want to reach your goals. This is why we stress the importance of ship burning goals, and why we tell you to do the vision boards, tell your friends, publicize your plans, etc. We want you to realize that you have come to us because you want to make a change in your life. Well now there is no going back, so put it out there for everybody to see and MAKE THAT CHANGE.
The only thing stopping you from being who you want to be is YOU. It's not your kids, your job, your social events, or your hectic lifestyle, it's you. When you finally decide that enough is enough and you are ready to change your life no matter what it takes, then I can promise you that we will get you there. If you only put one foot in the water to see if it's comfortable before you jump in then I'm sorry, but you probably won't make it. If you constantly give yourself an out or a reason to quit, then you've never even given yourself a chance because you're already expecting to fail.
If you can look in the mirror and tell yourself that you will hit every single goal that you've set and you don't give a damn who or what gets in your way, then email me and tell me you're ready to book your photo shoot, because you're going to make it.
I can help you, coach you, push you, and motivate you, but I can't WANT it for you.
Photo Shoot Complete

So I am happy to say that I've finished my photo shoot and I've taken about a week and a half off to rest, recover, and recharge. My final stats for my photo shoot were body weight 173 - 158, and body fat 11% - 3.5%. It was a little weird for me to weigh 158 lbs since I haven't been in the 150's since right after high school. My normal body weight is usually around 170-175 lbs. That being said I was stronger than I have ever been at any point of my life while at that weight and I felt great.
It took a lot of will power and determination to be that strict with my diet and exercising, but there is no better feeling than when you get your photos back and see the results of all of that hard work.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Photo Shoot Time!!!
Well folks, tomorrow is the big day. I've been doing my water manipulation this week to prepare for the shoot and I am STARVING. It's been 3 months of hard work to get from 173 - 160 and 12%BF - 4% BF. I've been extremely strict with my diet sticking with only 1 cheat meal per week, this was tough but definitely worth it. I tell my clients all of the time that you can do ANYTHING for 12 weeks. There is a great sense of satisfaction with hitting my goal and finishing the plan that I started. Next up for me is a few weeks to relax (except for our ridiculous RevFit Team workouts) and then I will set a new challenge to work towards. Wish me luck!
"Your mind will quit on you a hell of a lot faster than your body will"
"Your mind will quit on you a hell of a lot faster than your body will"
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I made it!

Well, according to the well trained eye of one Mariah MacDonald I have met and even surpassed my goal. At the beginning of June I weighed 175lbs and I was at about 11% body fat. I set a goal to be 165lbs and 5% body fat by August 31 for my photo shoot. It is the first week of August and I am officially 162lbs and 4.5% body fat. The plan now is to bulk up a bit and put on a few pounds of muscle before my photo shoot. How did I do this so fast? Well I'm glad you asked. I stole this idea from our very own Revelation Fitness Coach Christina Buzby.

This is what rides with me daily in my passenger seat. It is filled with all of the foods that you hear me preaching about daily in our training sessions. If I can drive from house to house eating cold food out of a lunch box daily then ANYBODY can eat right! Like I've been telling you, it's all in the diet folks.
"Hey Guys!! I am celebrating today for an abundance of reasons because I am 12 weeks out from my blood clot. I enclosed a picture taken of me May 3rd the day my life changed forever and today I can say that I am truly stronger and healthier than I ever have been. I love being 118 and a size 2 but it's not so much about the weight and size like it was in the beginning. Its that I feel amazing and I GET to wake up in the morning and rock it in the gym. I don't have to but I want to. No one in the hospital would tell me why I was hooked up to so many machines but I had a very large clot in my heart and I am so very lucky because a person in average health would have died. I am truly blessed. Thanks for all your help and believing that I would come back strong. It's a great day for celebration!!!"
Jillian is an online client that Mariah and I have been training for a few months now. You can see what she went through in the MIDDLE of her training and you can obviously see how she came out of it. Jillian is a living, breathing example of how ANYTHING is possible if you want it bad enough. I hope everyone thinks about her story the next time you can't eat right or workout because you had a stressful day, were on vacation, didn't have time, had to pick up the kids from school, etc.
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