"Hey Guys!! I am celebrating today for an abundance of reasons because I am 12 weeks out from my blood clot. I enclosed a picture taken of me May 3rd the day my life changed forever and today I can say that I am truly stronger and healthier than I ever have been. I love being 118 and a size 2 but it's not so much about the weight and size like it was in the beginning. Its that I feel amazing and I GET to wake up in the morning and rock it in the gym. I don't have to but I want to. No one in the hospital would tell me why I was hooked up to so many machines but I had a very large clot in my heart and I am so very lucky because a person in average health would have died. I am truly blessed. Thanks for all your help and believing that I would come back strong. It's a great day for celebration!!!"
Jillian is an online client that Mariah and I have been training for a few months now. You can see what she went through in the MIDDLE of her training and you can obviously see how she came out of it. Jillian is a living, breathing example of how ANYTHING is possible if you want it bad enough. I hope everyone thinks about her story the next time you can't eat right or workout because you had a stressful day, were on vacation, didn't have time, had to pick up the kids from school, etc.
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